NPLs (Non Performing Loans) today represent one of the best investment opportunities.
NPLs, also known as impaired loans, are loans for which collection is uncertain with regard to maturity, amount of the loan and amount of the loan ability of the debtor to repay the interest due.
Loans usually consist mostly of real estate loans that have not been honoured by the borrower, which become ‘non-performing loans’ or NPLs for banks.
The NPL market is a fast-growing market (in Italy the gross stock as of June 2016 was as much as EUR 356 billion) and is now increasingly growing.
Investments in NPLs today represent an extremely attractive solution to the problem of banks’ impaired loans, which impose a heavy constraint on economic recovery.
The IMF (International Monetary Fund) itself has listed NPLs as one of the best strategies to demobilise these loans.
The Italian banking system, in particular, has three times more bad loans than the European average, which is not good for the stability of the Italian economy.
This is mainly due to two factors:
As a result of past mismanagement in which banks have sold loans without sufficient guarantees of collectability
Due to the financial and economic difficulties of Italian companies and households who are not always able to meet their commitments Although the market situation in general has improved compared to the peaks of 2015, the market is still suffering and banks are unable to absorb the cost of credit.
The ECB also requires credit institutions to increasingly reduce their outstanding debts, forcing them to sell at below market value in order to contain their debt situation as much as possible. For these reasons, NPLs today represent the main tool for getting rid of these loans in the shortest possible time and thus relieving balance sheets of ascribed liabilities.
NPLs are the ideal solution to break deadlocks from which creditor and debtor cannot get out on their own.
There is a tendency to resort to the purchase of NPL credit – as a means of real estate investment – when one is already in the middle of an advanced foreclosure procedure. The aggrieved party thus demands the enforceability of the claim from the debtor, who has no means and resources to meet it.
With NPLs, on the other hand, transactions can be closed with benefits for all parties.
For these reasons, NPLs represent a win-win solution that allows the creditor to repay the liability and the investor to generate profit from the deal, in terms of return on investment.
This procedure requires specific skills and in-depth knowledge of the real estate market in order to be able to implement the best recovery and credit enhancement strategy.
Vitaly S.p.a. is the result of the union of real estate finance and legal professionals specialised in the purchase of NPLs of large, medium and medium-small amounts: a true “NPL boutique” to which you can turn even for small investments carefully selected by our professionals to guarantee the quality of the properties offered, throughout the country and partly internationally.
Our strategy focuses on the acquisition at a deep discount of mortgages that are the subject of pending foreclosure proceedings.
These operations have different timeframes and different methods, but the great appeal is that through our company everyone can invest in this market.